Make a Reservation

If you can’t find an availability through any of our booking portals, contact us by phone at 847-933-9800

Complimentary Valet

All major credit cards accepted

Open Tuesday-Sunday at 4pm

Curbside Dining is available
by calling 847-933-9800

We said goodbye to the tent in December of 2021.

Thank you for the fantastic EJ’s Al Fresco memories!

EJ’s Place follows the guidance established by the FDA and CDC and federal, state and local requirements to prevent the spread of COVID19. The ultimate judgment regarding the safety of dining at EJ’s Place must be made by each guest considering all the circumstances available, including each guest’s personal health and medical conditions. 
 EJ’s Place does not warrant the efficacy, accuracy or completeness of the guidance and assumes no responsibility for any injury or damage to persons or property arising out of a guest’s dining experience at the restaurant. We ask that if you are feeling unwell, please stay home.




10027 Skokie Blvd
Skokie, IL 60077


Tues–Thurs 4–10

Fri—Sat 4–11

Sun 4-10